Monday, January 12, 2009

The Beast Is Here

If only I had known what was in store for us, I may not have found so much beauty in the beast. I have to write my columns ahead of time. I sent it to the papers on Tuesday night, one week in advance of deadline and it doesn't appear in the papers until that Thursday. It's usually ten days from writing to publication. A lot can change in that time. 

When I wrote Beauty and the Beast, the temperatures were not that bad and it hadn't been snowing every other day. Now this story will hit the papers on the coldest day of the year so far. They are predicting a low of 20 below zero and a high of 5 below on Thursday. Uff da. And the rest of the week doesn't look much better. We've had several inches of new snow today. This would be great snow to get out in. But, I'd need a fur-lined jock strap and so many clothes on, I'd look like Ralphie in the Christmas Story, who had so many clothes on he couldn't get back up. I'd be in the same predicament if I fell down. Seems like every time we get new snow, the temperature plummets and people hunker down in their houses, crank up the heat, grab another blanket to sit under, and curse the Beast. I may end up doing some of the same by the end of this bitterly cold, Beastly week!

Stay warm and think spring.

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